2017: The Newman Center in Kirksville Celebrates 50 years of campus ministry.

Northeast Missouri State University underwent a change from a regional state college to a liberal arts college, with an emphasis on preparing students with high academic achievement, and was renamed Truman State University. They began to intentionally recruit students with strong academic achievement, as well as leadership in extra-curricular activities, from private high schools in St. Louis and Kansas City. These private high schools included…

2000: The Newman Center expands to include room for more students.

By 1999, the Newman Center was too small. One Sunday, Father Bill Kottenstette saw students open the door to Newman and, finding standing room only, they left. The decision was made to add on. We applied for grants and began raising money from parents, alumni, and friends. We contacted an architect and builder. The addition was estimated to cost $300,000. By spring of 2000, we…