Joe Stovering and Jackie Rackers, Newman AlumniAlumni Spotlight: Meet Fr. Joseph Stoverink, Class of 2011

Name: Joseph Stoverink, Newman Alumnus Class of 2011 Fr. Joseph Stoverink

Graduation Year and Degree:
December 2011, (BA) Romance Languages

Current location:
St. Agnes Cathedral, Springfield, MO

Cape Girardeau, MO

What is your favorite Newman memory?
Peter’s Pyros

Describe your Newman experience in five words or less:
Faith, friendship, prayer and service

I can’t believe I did _______ at the Newman Center.
Saw a bear on the roof. (really)

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Pastor of a parish cluster, still working in the Lord’s vineyard

How does the Newman Center impact your life today?
Newman expanded my vista of the Church. Fellow Newmanites taught me a lot about meeting the poor with a commitment to service, different ways to pray, and how many and varied are the gifts that people bring to living the Gospel.

What advice would you give to current Truman students?
Love your time at Truman, the faculty, the students, and be passionate for following Christ. It will take helping each other and being helped.

Anything else you’d like to share?
God bless you all. My prayers are with you, students and alumni.
May God bring us all together again one day.

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Evan Holway

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