B.A. Communication Disorders (2007)
M.A.E. Special Education (2008)

What year was your first Newman year?
I started going to Newman the fall of my freshman year.


What was your favorite freshman week activity?
mary-and-deanaThe BBQ!

What is your favorite Newman quote?
“May God support us all the day long, till the shades lengthen and the evening comes, and the busy world is hushed, and the fever of life is over, and our work is done. Then in His mercy may God give us a safe lodging, and a holy rest and peace at the last.”

The most “Newman” thing you ever witnessed was the time . . .
Pyros did a lovely rendition of “Rain Down”  🙂

With what Newman committees/activities did you participate as an undergrad?
Council (Exec), Awakenings, Growth, Freshman Week activities

Where are you now? What are you up to? 
Teaching in Kansas City


How has Newman impacted you for the long term?
My closest KC friends are people I met through Newman!


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